26 January 2008

What a Change!

Yesterday I "unwired" my bedroom a bit more. Having received my free KyLin TV box, (use FAF/promo code: NS8B1C if you sign up for the free box and free 15 day trial) I needed to switch things up, or use a splitter, which is never a good choice.

So now my cable, instead of running in to my bedroom, stays in my living room. There it is connected to my cable modem which connects to my wireless router. The router is connected to my Nuvio VOIP phone, my Sony PlayStation3, and my KyLinTV.

Oddly enough, having moved the VOIP box, the phone, the wireless router, and the cable modem to my living room allowed me to get a much more restful sleep last night. Maybe it is the new lack of electronic signals in the immediate area? Maybe.

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