10 February 2008

Yellow Dog Linux 6.0 for PS3 and PPC systems ready

Version 6.0 of Yellow Dog Linux (YDL) represents a change of direction for Terra Soft Solutions. Fedora has been largely replaced by CentOS as the basis for the distribution. This should make it easier for the distributor to maintain the distribution for Power Architecture, as the CentOS development team maintain their distribution significantly longer than Fedora, which is more focused on new software.

Ultimately this about-turn changes little for YDL users, as the packages from CentOS 5.0/5.1 which form the basis of YDL 6.0 are derived from the same version of the commercial Red Hat Enterprise Linux distribution which is in turn based on Fedora Core 6. The software included in YDL 6.0 is thus only a little more recent compared to YDL 5.0, which was based on Fedora Core 5. Terra Soft Solutions has therefore in some instances included packages from more recent version of Fedora.

YDL 6.0 is suitable for PPC systems such as the Playstation 3 (PS3), Apple PowerPC G4 and G5 and IBM System p (JS2x, 510, 520, 540). In addition to GNOME, the resource-saving E17 desktop, which copes better with the PS3's modest consignment of RAM, is also installed. The distributor has also integrated the Cell SDK 3.0 for the PS3 and other systems equipped with Cell processors. Initially the new version of YDL will only be available to paying customers. It should be available to download for free in about a month.

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