31 May 2007
豪杰 (HaoJie) Part 1: "Christening"
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21 May 2007
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20 May 2007
My Icon Corners
My family icon corner where we do Reader's Services. At the top is a hand painted cross, below that is our Slava icon, and the name of our former chapel, The Royal Martyrs; under that are icons of Christ the Pantocrator and the Theotokos by Mother Anastasia. On the sides are icons of our patron saints, Saint Anastasia the Great-Martyr and Saint Nicholas of Japan and an Icon of Saint Stephen the Protomartyr (who I feel close to because he was also one of the first deacons along with Saint Timothy) and The Hospitality of Abraham and Sarah. At the bottom with no home is the Menaion icon with an icon for every day and for all of the Great Feasts.
My living room icon corner made up of only hand painted icons. From left to right they are: Saint Nicholas of Myra in Lycia, a gift from Metropolitan VALENTINE and painted by a monk in Suzdal; Saint Euphrosynos by the hand of Mother Anastasia; Christ the Saviour, unknown iconographer; Tsar Martyr Nicholas Romanov by the hands of Archbishop GREGORY of and Archimandrite George of Dormition Skete. Under it is a hand sewn picture of the Church on the Blood and a cabinet bull of liturgical supplies which is on a book case of Orthodox books.
My personal icon corner, top to bottom, left to right: All Saints of America, Tsar Martyr Nicholas with icons of Saint Nicholas of Myra and Saint Seraphim of Sarov around him; The Theotokos; a Russian blessing cross; Christ the King, a gift from Juvenaly Martinka when I was ordained; Saint Nicholas of Myra in Lycia with icons of the Pantocrator and Theotokos, a gift from Vicar Bishop ANDREI; Christ blessing the children.
My daughter's personal icon corner. In the middle downward, in a Russian fashion: Her Guardian Angel; Christ the Pantocrator; Theotokos Sweet Kissing; her patron saint, Saint Anastasia the Great-Martyr; On the cross beam are: Saint Xenia who may get moved to my family icon corner after she helped me get this job; The Saints of Moscow; The Royal Martyrs; Saint Thecla, a gift to her from Justin and Mary Cecilia Kissel when we were Baptized.
19 May 2007
Thanksgiving for Answered Employment Prayers
I got the call this afternoon that the restaurant thought that the interview went really well and so they did not want to wait until Monday to make a decision and offered me the job as the restaurant manager today. I want to thank God, Saint Xenia, and all of you who have prayed for me during this time of my unemployment, job searching, and interview process. I know that all of your prayers helped me immensely! Glory Be To Thee O Lord, Glory Be To Thee!
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Yellow Dog Linux History as Seen by Google
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18 May 2007
China to replace USA and become 3rd biggest travel destination
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17 May 2007
The time of "Christian Society" is over. "Christendom" has ended…
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Job Interview Prayer Request Update
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13 May 2007
Sushi Bar Camera
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12 May 2007
The Romeo and Juliet Effect: Why Christians Keep Having Sex Before Marriage

"In William Shakespeare's play, "Romeo and Juliet," the titular star cross'd lovers fatefully decide to pursue their love, despite the chaos and war unfolding around them. Their decision ends up being a fatal one. I suppose the ironic question that some people might want to ask the protagonists is why risk so much to violate the family rules?" From an essay by David Chen.
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You 'can be fat' even if you are thin!?!
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Samples From the FREE Chinese Language Learning Site I Advertise!
II.《每日一句中文》Everyday Chinese
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British girl feared abducted turns four
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11 May 2007
Enigma: Sadeness
Procedamus in pace
In nomine Christi, Amen
Cum angelis et pueris,
fideles inveniamur
Attollite portas, principes, vestras
et elevamini, portae aeternales
et introibit rex gloriae
Qius est iste Rex gloriae?
Sade dit moi
Sade donne moi
Procedamus in pace
In nomine Christi, Amen
Sade dit moi
qu'est ce que tu vas chercher ?
le bien par le mal
la vertu par le vice
Sade dit moi pourquoi l' 'evangile du mal ?
quelle est ta religion ou` sont tes fide`les ?
Si tu es contre Dieu, tu es contre l'homme
Sade dit moi pourquoi le sang pour le plaisir ?
Le plaisir sans l'amour.
N'y a t'il plus de sentiment dans le culte de l'homme ?
Sade es-tu diabolique ou divin?
Sade dit moi
Sade donne moi
Sade dit moi
Sade donne moi
In nomine Christi, Amen
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10 May 2007
HOWTO: Get Chinese Characters to Appear Properly in Yellow Dog Linux v5
First go to Add/Remove Programs and install Chinese.
Next install the RPM font packages from the following links (simply by clicking on the RPM download links in Firefox):
- http://wqy.sourceforge.net/cgi
-bin/enindex.cgi - http://www.altlinux.com/index
.php?module=sisyphus&package =chinese-fonts-ttf
Finally set Firefox so that it uses the 3 fonts you get from here, and now all your Chinese (and probably Japanese kanji too) characters will appear correctly!
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09 May 2007
Up to 3 weeks: Works as advertised!
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Manicure? Pedicure?
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08 May 2007
Two Fifty Four
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Keith Oberman and Patrick Buchanan on why Ron Paul is the best candidate
Pat Buchanan: I think the closest is Ron Paul who is a pro-life libertarian, who does not vote for big spending, who opposed the Medicare expansion, who opposed “no child left behind,” who opposed the war in Iraq…
read more | digg story
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Eat Mor Chikin!

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07 May 2007
Job Update With Flying Colors!
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Chinese use right side of brain more frequently than Westerners
After a series of studies on how Chinese people perceive tones in the language, a research team from the Life Sciences College at China Science and Technology University - led by Professor Chen Lin - recently showed that it is the right side of the brain that analyzes the tones in early stages of cognition - within about 200 milliseconds after the acoustic wave enters the ear. The study also suggested that people speaking Chinese use the right side of their brain more frequently than Westerners who speak English. Chinese should pay more attention to the potential development of the right brain. The results of the study were published in the internationally renowned academic journal, "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America" on December 19.
According to reports, the two hemispheres of the human brain do different things in interpreting voice signals. Usually the left hemisphere dominates the understanding of semantics and the right hemisphere dominates the interpretation of music. However, the factors that determine the division of labor between the left and right sides of the brain is a problem that has long-perplexed academics, which is generally explained by two completely different hypotheses.
Learn Mandarin, Cantonese, or any other dialect of Chinese for FREE!06 May 2007
04 May 2007
"Hi, I'm a Mac." "I'm a PC." "And I'm Linux!"
In the standard MP3 format:
- http://cdn.novell.com/cached/video/bs_07/mac_pc_linux.mpg
- http://cdn.novell.com/cached/video/bs_07/mac_pc_linux_2.mpg
- http://cdn.novell.com/cached/video/bs_07/mac_pc_linux_3.mpg
- http://cdn.novell.com/cached/video/bs_07/mac_pc_linux.OGG
- http://cdn.novell.com/cached/video/bs_07/mac_pc_linux_2.OGG
- http://cdn.novell.com/cached/video/bs_07/mac_pc_linux_3.OGG
03 May 2007
Nicaragua, Cuba, and Latin America
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Good Dog!
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02 May 2007
Terra Soft Solutions Are Good People
01 May 2007
HOW-TO: PS3 Wifi on YDL.net Enhanced HowTo
This can be achieved from GameOS with the Software Update function
in settings.
2. Download the new PS3 wifi enabled kernel:
URL: http://ydl.net/enhanced
3. Install the new kernel
rpm -ivh /path/to/kernel-ps3-2.6.16-20070425.ydl.3.ppc64.rpm
4. Edit /etc/kboot.conf
Take your default kernel line, and make a copy of it and then modify
the original line to point to the new kernel.
For example, if your default kernel line is:
ydl='/dev/sda1:/vmlinux-2.6.16-20061110.ydl.2ps3 initrd=/dev/sda1:/initrd-2.6.16-20061110.ydl.2ps3.img root=/dev/sda2 video=ps3fb:mode:3 rhgb'
The new section would like this:
ydl='/dev/sda1:/vmlinux-2.6.16-20070425.ydl.3ps3 initrd=/dev/sda1:/initrd-2.6.16-20070425.ydl.3ps3.img root=/dev/sda2 init=/sbin/init video=ps3fb:mode:3 rhgb'
oldydl='/dev/sda1:/vmlinux-2.6.16-20061110.ydl.2ps3 initrd=/dev/sda1:/initrd-2.6.16-20061110.ydl.2ps3.img root=/dev/sda2 video=ps3fb:mode:3 rhgb'
Where oldydl is your original kernel.
5. Reboot
6. Configuring Wireless
a) Unplug the ethernet cable, eth0 is both the wired and wireless
Ethernet port on PS3s.
b) Launch system-config-network (Network in the Settings menu)
c) Delete the eth0 (gelic_net) interface.
d) Create a Wireless connection.
e) You may now configure that wireless connection as you would with
other YDL versions. One note here that confused me when I did this
was that the ESSID specified as "Auto", when I actually needed to
remove that and select the Auto radio button.
f) You can now activate the interface.
7. Enjoy your new wireless enabled PS3.
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Bible Verse of the Day
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