As for the books of the New Covenant, these were all composed and written in Greek originally, with the sole exception of the Gospel according to St. Matthew and the Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Hebrews, which were composed and written originally in Hebrew or in Syriac. The Hebrew original, however, of the Gospel according to St. Matthew is not extant, nor is it quite clear who translated it into Greek. Some say that the translator was James the brother of God. As for the Epistle to the Hebrews, it was translated into Greek by either Luke, or Barnabas, or Clement of Rome. I said “Syriac” because the Arabic language prevailing at that time was mixed with Syriac. But if Cesare Baronius, the Jesuit chronographer, asserts that the Gospel according to St. Mark was composed and written originally in Latin, let him rejoice in his opinion, and let him take shame in our own Fathers, who assert that it was composed and written originally in Greek... But what should we say in regard to the cited verses of St. Gregory the Theologian, wherein it is said verbatim: “Mark Fourth in Italy; Luke in the land of the Achaians (i.e., Greece)”? Either that this passage is spurious and introduced from without by another hand, or that the vote of the majority ought to decide the issue. For if this were the genuine opinion of the Theologian, how is it that St. Jerome failed to notice it, who was his disciple and pupil... ? In this connection what is historically recorded by Nicholas Malaxus is noteworthy, to the effect that divine Luke wrote his Gospel in Mega Spelaion (meaning “Great Cave”), as is stated in the imperial “gold edict” (or “chrysoboulon”) of that Monastery. (Rudder, pp. 149-150)
So there you have it: the authoritative text of the Holy Scriptures is to be found in the Greek. This statement does not deny the importance of translations, it only means that the Greek provides the standard the others are based on; in particular, for the Orthodox Christian, the Greek text of the Septuagint (LXX) and not the Hebrew is used as Old Testament Scripture! This was well and good while the Byzantine Empire was around to encourage the maintenance and production of the Scriptures, which are, it is fair to say, reflected in codices of the so-called Byzantine text type—also Majority, Traditional, Ecclesiastical, Constantinopolitan, or Syrian—that has by far the largest number of surviving manuscripts.
But, alas, Byzantium was to succumb to pressures of the Moslem onslaught. The beginning of the end came when Emperor John VIII Paleologos (1392-1448) entered into a union with pope Eugene IV at the Council of Florence in 1439 in hopes of thereby gaining Western military support for the defence of Constantinople (for an accurate account of the events surrounding this council, see "Saint Mark Evgenikos, Metropolitan of Ephesus" in The Lives of the Pillars of Orthodoxy). Anti-unionists held sway in Constantinople, however, until the eve of the commemoration of St. Theodosia (29th of May) in 1453 when, after having endured the siege of Sultan Mehmet for five months, the majority of them joined with the Latins in what became the final liturgy in Aghia Sophia; it was then that a pitiful and ignominious union in fact took place (p. 521, Ibid.). After the Fall of Constantinople to the Ottomans and its subsequent rule by the Moslems (the so-called "Turkish yoke"), Bible publishing in Greek by the Orthodox was effectively halted—only in the West by non-Orthodox did its publication continue.
Aside: with the cessation of the flow of stabilized and consistent translations of the Bible from the Byzantines via the South Slavs to the Rus' in the north, it became desireable to establish and maintain a standard Slavonic Bible text. In the late 15th century the bishop of Novgorod and Pskov, Gennadius, complained about heretics who distorted the Scriptures "'in the Jewish way,' ostensibly to conceal the christological details inherent in them" (Cooper, Slavic Scriptures, 2003, p. 128). Thus began his monumental effort to compile the first complete and definitive Church Slavonic Bible (later followed by the Ostrog Bible in the 16th c., the "first to be printed" [in Moscow] Bible of the 17th c., and the so-called Elizabeth Bible of the 18th c. that continued to be reprinted in Russia every few years until 1914.
With Gutenberg's invention of a printing press and the subsequent publication of a 42-line Latin Bible ca. 1452-1456 came a flurry of Bible printings. Over the next sixty years or so, more than one hundred editions of the Latin Bible, three editions of the Hebrew Old Testament, several Greek Psalters, and many editions of the entire Bible in German, French, Italian, and other languages (but not Greek!) were produced with Latin as the base language from which translations were made.
Then in 1502 work began on an ambitious task of compiling a massive and complete polyglot of the Bible (Greek being one of the languages used) "to revive the languishing study of the Sacred Scriptures." The Roman Catholic scholars performing the work met in the city of Alcalá de Henares (in Latin, Complutum), and work continued there for fifteen years. The New Testament was completed and printed in 1514, and Old Testament was completed in 1517; however, publication was delayed until 1520 because a competing effort (Erasmus; see below) had obtained an exclusive four-year publishing privilege from Emperor Maximilian and Pope Leo X in 1516. The work is known as the Complutensian Polyglot Bible. Lest one get the idea that this polyglot was in some way an ecumenical endeavor, or was trying to be benevolent or even reconciliatory toward the Greek Orthodox, consider the layout of the Old Testament and the rationale given: the Latin Vulgate was placed between the Greek and Hebrew versions, and thus the synagogue and the Eastern church, as the preface explains it, are set like the thieves on this side and on that, with Jesus (that is, the Roman Church) in the midst!
Erasmus (ca. 1466-1536) was a humanist and Roman Catholic priest, and has been considered to have been the center of the literary movement of his time. One of his projects was to produce a critical edition of the New Testament in Latin: "My mind is so excited at the thought of emending Jerome’s text, with notes, that I seem to myself inspired by some god." His production of a parallel Greek New Testament was as a means to support his Latin: "There remains the New Testament translated by me, with the Greek facing, and notes on it by me. ... But one thing the facts cry out, and it can be clear, as they say, even to a blind man, that often through the translator’s clumsiness or inattention the Greek has been wrongly rendered; often the true and genuine reading has been corrupted by ignorant scribes, which we see happen every day, or altered by scribes who are half-taught and half-asleep." However, the Greek in his Novum Instrumentum omne of 1516 was produced on a minimal set of manuscripts (five or fewer 12th or 13th c., all but one of which were Byzantine texts) that were the ones most readily available to him, sufficient to cover the entire New Testament as best he could (the ending verses of the Apocalypse he had to translate into the Greek from Latin). His editing amounted to entering corrections directly in the manuscripts themselves (that is, he harmonized the Greek to match his Latin!), and sent them to the printer like any ordinary typesetter's copy. Over the next two decades Erasmus published four revised editions of his New Testament. The 2nd edition (1519) was used by Martin Luther in making his translation of the Bible. The 3rd edition (1522) was probably used by Tyndale for the first English New Testament (1526).
The overwhelming success of Erasmus' Greek New Testament completely overshadowed the Latin text upon which he had focused. Many other publishers produced their own versions of the Greek New Testament over the next several centuries. Rather than doing their own work, most just relied on the well-known Erasmian text as a starting point. For example, Robert I Estienne (aka Robertus Stephanus, Robert Stephens) produced four editions of the Greek New Testament in 1546, 1549, 1550, and 1551, the third of which is known as the Editio Regia (Royal Edition). The text of the editions of 1546 and 1549 was a composition derived from the Complutesian and Erasmian texts, while the 1550 edition followed the Erasmian fourth and fifth editions more closely. Estienne's 1550 edition was the first Greek New Testament to have a critical apparatus that was used to indicate variant readings from 15 Greek manuscripts he had collected, as well as of many readings from the Complutensian Polyglot. The fourth edition used exactly the same text as the third, without a critical apparatus, but divided the text into numbered verses for the first time in the history of the printed text of Greek New Testament. The 1550 edition was used by the translators of the so-called Authorized or King James Version (KJV) of the English Bible, while the 1551 had been used in producing the Geneva Bible.
Aside: In 1633 Bonaventure and Abraham Elzevir published an edition of the Greek New Testament that included the following statement (in Latin) in the preface: "so you hold the text (textum), now received (receptum) by all, in which nothing corrupt." Over time the two words textum and receptum were modified from the accusative to the nominative case to render Textus Receptus, which has been applied retroactively to the Greek text of Erasmus' editions, as well as the related textual family of derivative works thereof published by others.
Meanwhile, as might have been recalled after reading names like Luther and Tyndale, the Reformation and Counter-reformation were in full swing. One of the responses to Protestant critiques was that, at the Council of Trent (1545-1563), the Latin Vulgate was established as the standard Bible for the Roman church. However, the council also recognized the need for establishing a critical edition to serve as such a standard, and directed the restoration of the Vulgate text of St. Jerome. To support the revisers who were preparing the Latin Vulgate edition, a critical edition of the Greek Bible was prepared in 1586 (1587). Known as the Sixtine edition, it is considered by many to be the "Textus Receptus" of the Septuagint because of its importance behind editions of the LXX produced over the next three centuries such as, e.g, the London Polyglot (1654-1657), Holmes and Pearsons (1798ff.), Leander van Ess (1824 and later), the polyglot of Stier and Theile (1847-1855), the seven Leipzig editions of Tischendorf (1850 and 1887) and the two published after his death as revised by Nestle, the Clarendon Press edition (1875), and the four editions of Swete (Cambridge, 1887-95, 1901, 1909). Interestingly, the Sixtine edition was based principally on Codex Vaticanus, a 4th century edition of the Greek Bible that has been housed in the Vatican Library (founded in 1448) for as long as it has been known in the West, appearing in its earliest catalog of 1475 (with shelf number 1209). The manuscript came to the Italy—probably from Constantinople—at some point after the Council of Florence. We can imagine that it might have arrived there with the entourage of Emperor John VIII Paleologos, or perhaps it was carried away from someone fleeing the siege of Constantinople.
At this point the stage has been set for the current state of affairs in regards to the Greek text of the Bible. Three "set pieces" stand out clearly:
Old Testament and New Testament scholarship is divided into two camps. It is not at all clear (from an outsider's point of view) what level of communication or sharing of techniques takes place between these two. Also note that although it is generally recognized that the LXX is often quoted by the Apostles in the NT, and so it is of some interest for understanding the NT, the dominant concern seems to be focused in using the LXX as a tool to help in the creation of the original Hebrew "autographs" of the different books.
Most Old Testament and New Testament scholars appear to believe that older is better. That is to say, there is a preference to use the texts from Codex Vaticanus, supplemented with other 4th and 5th c. manuscripts such as Codex Alexandrinus and Codex Sinaiticus (all Alexandrian text-types except for the Gospels in Codex Alexandrinus, which are Byzantine), in producing "critical" texts of the Greek Testaments. Consider, for example, the Novum Testamentum Graece and the related editions produced by, e.g., Tregelles, Nestle-Aland, Tischendorf, and Westcott-Hort, or, for the LXX, the critical text of Rahlfs' Septuaginta and the Göttingen Septuagint.
In one (albiet small) camp are those who have followed the trend of Erasmus-Stephanus-Textus Receptus and promote the Majority Text as providing the best basis for a "critical" New Testament text; consider, for example, Frederick Henry Ambrose Scrivener of the 19th c., and recent versions of the Majority Text as edited by Hodges & Farstad, 1982 (bilingual edition, 2007), and Pierpont and Robinson, 1991. It does not appear that there is any similar effort toward producing a Byzantine-majority text of the Old Testament.
After the Greek war of independence (1821-1829) and recognition of Greece as an independent nation in 1832, some form of normalcy returned to the Greek Orthodox Church, including the ability to publish (or at least sanction publications); unfortunately it relied heavily on support from the West, as can be understood from the following. The first Greek Bible produced was in 1843; reportedly it was, for the most part, simply a transcription of Codex Alexandrinus (Daniel was from some other source), although the canon was rearranged, supplemented and censured to accord with Protestant sensibilities (SPCK was involved). Some books included in Alexandrinus were simply left out, while the so-called deutero-canonicals were put in a separate section, as was the Protestant custom of the time. In 1904 things improved with the release of a Greek New Testament by the Constantinople Patriarchate based on the Byzantine Majority Text (it can be surmised that it was based on the work of Scrivener, and thus is related to the Textus Receptus family). In terms of the Old Testament (the LXX), however, the situation is as follows. An LXX edition was undertaken in the early 20th century by the Zoe brotherhood which reportedly uses Rahlfs critical edition of the LXX with very slight textual modifications. Rahlfs critical edition is also printed in Greece by the Greek Bible Society (the Apostoliki Diakonia edition), with a few modifications to accommodate some (but not all) of the Church's liturgical readings. That is, as in the West (from whence the scholarship, etc., flows), the LXX versions published in Greece are based on the Alexandrian and not Byzantine Majority text types.
If, however, one is fluent only in English, what texts are available, and how do they relate to the Greek manuscript base?
1. Thomson, Charles, The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Covenant, commonly called the Old and New Testament: translated from the Greek
Pells' edition ("facsimile reprint, page for page, and line for line") reprinted Thomson's Old Testament only in 1904 and 1907 (with an introduction and editor's preface that includes various ancient accounts and references to the septuagint; errata follows at the end of Volume II). Thomson's "New Covenant" was later reprinted by Pell in 1929 (no e-version found).
Muses' revision (copies of which can often be found at used book sellers online such as Like Pells, Muses edited and published a version of Thomson's Old Testament in 1954 (2nd edition 1960). Muses stated that he preferred Thomson's translation over Brenton's (see below) because of "the number of errors" the later contained. Muses did eclectically change Thomson's translation "where the facts of the text required it," with the Sinaitic and Alexandrine codices and Sistine text being consulted when Codex Vaticanus was lacking. Muses "restored" the material from the book of Esther that Thomson had deleted (although it does not include all of the additional material found in the KJV "Apocrypha"), which alone would seem make this edition preferable over the original (provided a copy is available!).
Thomson Volume I: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, and I Kings—I Samuel.
Thomson Volume II: II Kings—II Samuel, III Kings—I Kings, IV Kings—II Kings, I Chronicles or Paralipomenon, II Chronicles or Paralipomenon, Ezra or Esdras, Nehemias, Esther, Job, Psalms, Psalm 151.
Thomson Volume III: Proverbs of Solomon, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, Esaias, Jeremias, Lamentations of Jeremias, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonas, Micah, Nahum, Ambakum or Habakkuk, Sophonias, Haggai, Zacharias, Malachi.
Thomson Volume IV: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts, Romans, I Corinthians, II Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, I Thessalonians, II Thessalonians, I Timothy, II Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews, James, I Peter, II Peter, I John, II John, III John, Jude, Revelation of John.
Pells Volume I: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, I Kings—I Samuel, II Kings—II Samuel, III Kings—I Kings, IV Kings—II Kings, and I Chronicles or Paralipomenon.
Pells Volume II: II Chronicles or Paralipomenon, Ezra or Esdras, Nehemias, Esther, Job, Psalms, Psalm 151, Proverbs of Solomon, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, Esaias, Jeremias, Lamentations of Jeremias, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonas, Micah, Nahum, Ambakum or Habakkuk, Sophonias, Haggai, Zacharias, Malachi
Brief assessment of Thomson (as well as Pells edition): While Thomson provided no information regarding his Greek text, Pell indicates that, after checking various possibilities, Codex Vaticanus had been used (reportedly John Field's Cambridge Edition of 1665 and the Sixtine edition of 1587), and so Thomson's work represents a diplomatic edition of Codex Vaticanus. In terms of overall content, this codex matches that of Codex Alexandrinus except that none of the books of the Maccabees are present, and the 151 Psalms are found and not a Psalter (and so no text of the Prayer of Manasseh or Gloria... is present); the order of the Old Testament books is also different between the two codices. The extant New Testament of Vaticanus contains the following books as ordered here: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts of the Apostles, Iakovos (James), Peter (I-II), John (I-II-III), Jude, St. Paul to the Romans, Corinthians (I-II), Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Thessalonians (I-II), Hebrews (through 9:14); thus it is clearly missing (presumably lost) Timothy (I-II), Titus, Philemon and Revelation (and with no way to determine if other books were attached as well, as in Codex Alexandrinus). Thomson did not remain true to the original in that he only translated that material deemed canonical in the Protestant tradition; i.e., missing is 1st Esdras, Wisdom, Sirach, Ioudith, Tobit, Barouch, and the Epistle of Ieremias. Furthermore, 2nd Esdras has been divided into Ezra and Nehemias, and both Esther and Daniel have had the "additions" removed, etc. Finally, the arrangements of the books of both Testaments have been altered to match the KJV. How much Thomson's Protestant views affected what he did translate has not been assessed.
2. Brenton, Sir Lancelot Charles Lee, The Septuagint version of the Old Testament, according to the Vatican text, translated into English
Comments: The 1844 edition was English only, was arranged according to the KJV, and did not contain the "Apocrypha." According to the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies (IOSCS), the 1851 edition includes the "Apocrypha," but under separate pagination; the only digitized page available at the time of this writing indicates that the 1851 edition included both the Greek and English text, but on separate pages. Also according to IOSCS, the 1870 edition was the first to be formatted as a diglot. Thus it is not at all clear how (my) Hendrickson reprint (a diglot) can be a copy of the 1851 edition, as claimed (unless there were two, different 1851 editions); also note that while the preface in the Hendrickson reprinting states "This edition of the Septuagint, including Apocrypha, giving the complete Greek text along with a parallel English translation by Sir Lancelot Charles Lee Brenton... ," in fact the English of the Apocrypha is simply a copy of the Authorized Version of 1611 (aka KJV), with the exception that the additional chapters of Esther were not included, nor is the Prayer of Manasseh provided (since the original KJV only includes I and II Maccabees, it is not clear where Brenton's English for III and IV Maccabees is from—perhaps he translated these). An English compilation from what is stated to be the 1851 edition is available from Ernie Marsh; in terms of book order, rather than following Codex Vaticanus (his primary source), the arrangement follows the KJV for the most part (as in the 1844 edition), but has inserted: I Esdras between Ezra and Nehemiah; Tobit and Judith between Nehemiah and Esther; I-IV Maccabees between Esther and Job; Wisdom and Sirach between Song of Songs and Esaias; and Baruch (containing the Epistle of Jeremias as the last chapter) between Lamentations and Ezekiel.
3. Van der Pool, Charles, The Apostolic Bible Polyglot
4. Gillquist, Peter E., editor, et al., The Orthodox Study Bible: New Testament and Psalms
5. Holy Apostles Convent and Dormition Skete, The Orthodox New Testament, 1st ed. in two volumes, the Evangelistarion
6. Pietersma, Albert, and Benjamin G. Wright, eds., A New English Translation of the Septuagint
7. Papoutsis, Peter A., The Holy Orthodox Bible, 2008 (e-version online). Currently released: Volume I, The Pentateuch
So... for my two cents: (1) use the Orthodox New Testament from Holy Apostles Convent; (2) use the Holy Orthodox Bible from Peter Papoutsis for the Old Testament, supplemented as necessary (and with due caution) with the New English Translation of the Septuagint from Oxford University Press. If you need copyright-free material for the "Hebrew" canon, consult Thomson and Brenton. If you are trying to learn Greek, Van der Pool would be handy. The Orthodox Study Bible published by Thomas Nelson should probably be avoided unless great care is taken to avoid Protestant theology and other errors.
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